Ari Marcopoulos came to New York in 1979 and quickly became part of the downtown art scene that included up-and-coming artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, and Robert Mapplethorpe. Since then, Marcopoulos has become recognized as a key documentarian of contemporary culture as it unfolds: recording the emerging hip-hop scene, shooting snowboarders hurtling down a vertical mountain face, or chronicling the vicissitudes of his own family life, Marcopoulos' works unerringly capture the zeitgeist. This book was published to accompany the first retrospective exhibition on Marcopoulos' work at The University of California, Berkeley Art Museum, gathering works from three decades and accompanied by an essay by Stephanie Cannizzo.
Within Arm's Reach by Ari Marcopoulos
Published by JRP Ringier, 2009
Soft cover/ 1500 copies
Suggested retail $45 (40% + shipping) - SIGNED copies available